- Best Practices Setting up Your Local Development EnvironmentSetting up your local development environment can be done in many different ways. This post presents different methods and best practices along with the advantages and drawbacks of each option.
- Boosting Your Development Feedback Loop with Preview EnvironmentsPreview Environments are ephemeral environments that allow us to have a new complete and isolated environment for each new feature. They come with many advantages.
- GitHub Actions vs BitBucket Pipelines vs GitLab CI/CDChoosing a CI/CD tool to build, test, and deploy your code can be hard due to the wide number of options available. In this article, I describe the main characteristics of three of the most known services.
- Creating DigitalOcean Droplets with TerraformIn this post, you will find a tutorial about getting started with Terraform and DigitalOcean. Terraform is a declarative open-source tool which allows you to define infrastructure as code.
- How to start using GitHub ActionsInstalling, setting up, and managing your own continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment tool (CD) is not an easy task. Luckily you can avoid that by using GitHub Actions.
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